Transcell Biolife - Your next generation Biobank


Transcomm-Dec-2019 Special Edition- Genomes from Asia

Store Your Precious Bio samples and the derived Data Today with Transcell Biolife – Your Trusted Bio bank in India Providing Unique Bio bank Applications...

Understanding the genetic basis of human disease in the context of diagnosis to prevent and find cure is possible from an increase in the number and scale of disease-association studies that are carried out in all populations. To the reader’s knowledge, there are 51 contemporary ethnic (category of population with presumed common genealogy) groups in the world today. Population groups with differences determined by ethnicity also show differences in terms of illness behaviour which is a result of genome related variation. Medical conditions such as sickle cell disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes are classic examples with altered prevalence and patterns in different ethnic groups.

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Transcell Biolife, a biobank for the intended applications inks a pact with Vantage Enterprise on creating big data in stem cell genomics repository of Asia

Transcell Biolife is a biobank operating from India with growing repository of stem cells acquired nucleotide datasets (raw data) in addition to biosamples, biosamples derived stem cell units for the intended applications. Biolife envisions to go pan Asia with a vision as next generation biobank facilitating transformative medicine. Biolife signed a partnership with Vantage Enterprise as part of the group’s synergistic mission to create Asia’s ...

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Transcell Biolife has brought a breakthrough transformation in the arena of biobanking, Extended Applications

The contribution of Science and Technology in humans’ progression can’t be nullified. Awe-striking wonders and inventions are their incredible gifts. Transcell Biolife is a colossal organization that has brought a significant contribution to the field of Biotechnology and Life Sciences. Under the stewardship of Dr. S Dravida, the founder and CEO of the company, Transcell Biolife has brought a dynamic revolution and is a game changer in the arena thrusting on home grown technologies applied ...

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Transcell Biolife and PlusPin Healthcare

Transcell Biolife and PlusPin Healthcare announced an innovative cross-sell partnership to offer biobanking products/service with bouquet of necessary health services within your comfortable reach. Through this cooperation between Transcell Biolife and PlusPin platform., the eligible families can avail both Biolife’s premium stem cell (Biobanking) genomics based service and convenient yet affordable in diagnostics and homecare services.Biolife is into offering next generation biobanking and related predictive, personalized signature profiles of the stem cells collected from Umbilical cord and Tooth like unique products/services. Families with expectant mothers for cord and kids aged between 5 and 11 yr for milk teeth sourcing are Biolife’s clients.

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Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) – The rising tsunami tide in India

I hope everyone knows about tsunami but, not many of us know about its origin and journey of destruction. Pressure differences inside of the earth, eventually lead to volcanic eruptions or earth quakes that leads to generation of tsunamis and the damage it causes is irreversible. I feel the same with T2D since we do not know when it starts and how does it manifests into diabetic phenotype...

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Cancer therapy: Challenges and new hopes

While walking on the river side, my grandfather who was a farmer told me during my childhood that it is very difficult to kill a tree. The logical reason is that the tree is deeply rooted and cutting the trunk at the ground level doesn’t help. Being a researcher, I realized that it is easy to kill a tree than a cancerous cell that freely floats in our body...

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Applications of Genomics

No two individuals are phenotypically identical. Seldom if they are identical by genotypes too , their individual biochemistr y may differ subject to predisposition to different environments. One should definitely know why one human is different from other or why one human is more susceptible.

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Mysterious Human Genome

Evolution is an ongoing process. Change and transformation is inevitable for every organism including man. It is imperative for us to realize that only humans have acquired the unique capability of rationale thinking and decision making for sustenance and survival. Our world is bestowed with different languages and cultures. While philosophical poets quote that music and nature have no language, the scientic poets claim that we are all governed by the universal language of DNA made of just four letters A, T, G and C that determine what we are, how we are and why we are unique from each other.

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Stem cell derived exosomes as a novel therapeutic option for AD

These days, all news in India is only about healthcare: heavy investments in healthcare, new apps for healthcare, new business models for healthcare and finally funding agencies with a mandate to fund basic and translational research coming forward to give away tax payer’s money generously to healthcare startups and established companies, but mental healthcare often remains, paradoxically, forgotten and ignored.

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Personalised Medicine in Dentistry: Current Status and Future Possibilities

There is a new trend in medicine, called personalised medicine, which is essentially, customising healthcare and tailoring clinical practice to individual patients based on their genetic makeup and environmental and clinical profile. Personalised medicine, as described in the literature is a combination of human genome, information technology, biotechnology, and nanotechnology to initiate preventive strategies and to provide treatment tailored to different individuals.

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Stem Cells For Drug Dosing and Titration - Personalized Medicine - A New Dimension to the Application

While the early efforts in harnessing the enormous potential of stem cells for treating disease were largely focused on regeneration and the ability to repair damaged tissues in the body, recent advances in this field started driving researchers and clinicians alike to employ stem cells in drug discovery applications, such as novel compound screening, toxicity testing, target identification, disease modeling and personalized medicine development.

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Stem Cells For Therapeutic Nihilism

Therapeutic nihilism refers to the "skepticism regarding the worth of therapeutic agents especially in a particular disease". The view that the era of modern medicine began with the introduction of the sulfonamides is supported by a standard textbook of pharmacology that refers to the years 1908-35 as being characterized by "therapeutic nihilism". The failure of several promising drugs in the clinical trial stages led to a sense of therapeutic nihilism in big pharma about the prospects of using chemical and biologics as effective treatment modalities.

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Stem cells as Cyclosporin

Transplantation is the act of transferring an organ, tissue, or cell from one body to another. Cell transplant (referred to hereby as stem cell transplant) is a process which involves either replacing diseased or ineffective tissue with healthy new stem cells. The two most common types of stem cell transplants are autologous or allogenic transplants. Both transplantation procedures are a common treatment option for treating cancers such as Leukemia, Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma.

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Stem cells in personalizing implants

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stromal stem cells that can be harvested from many different sources and differentiated into a variety of cell types. The effectiveness of MSCs based therapies is dependent on a gamut of factors which include differentiating state of the MSCs at the site of application, vehicle used and the nature/extent of injury. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, coupled with genetic engineering and gene therapy are revolutionizing the way cell therapy is performed these days.

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Stem cells: Mankind’s answer to Prometheus’ vulture

Prometheus is a Titan in Greek Mythology, best known as the creator of mankind and it’s greatest benefactor. He transgressed the law of gods and stole fire from Mount Olympus for the sake of humankind, for which he received a brutal punishment from Jupiter. Jupiter had him chained to mount Caucasus, where a vulture would prey on his liver daily. Legend has it that his liver renewed as quickly as it was devoured, which captures the body’s remarkable regenerative capacity.

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Stem cells: The hope and the hype

Everyone irrespective of their background seems to be talking about stem cells these days. Stem cells have garnered much attention because they can turn into all different types of cells and that too on demand. While the implications for the use of stem cells in medicine are profound, there are still a lot of practical barriers that need to be streamlined for realizing the full potential of stem cells as therapeutic tools.

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Nano Dimension Announces New 3D Bioprinting Subsidiary to Develop Solutions for end Stage Renal Disease

3D printing has been touted as one of the most disruptive technologies that have been making waves during the 21st century. Despite some initial negative press about the technology, it has been quickly catching up generating a lot of buzz in the industry and general public alike. 3D printing is also called additive manufacturing wherein three dimensional solid objects are produced by laying down successive layers of material until the object is created. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced horizontal cross-section of the eventual object. The ease of access to 3D templates, scanners, modeling software and printers that can print 3D objects has made our lives much easier.

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Stem Cells for Muscular Dystrophies

An orphan disease is a rare disease (according to US criteria, a disease that affects fewer than 200,000 people) or a common disease that has been ignored. But, the true definition not known by many is that a disease category that has not been taken up by any pharmaceutical industry to research on as it provides little financial incentive for the private sector to make and market medicines to treat or cure.

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Stem Cell Biology As Century Of Biology For Drug Discovery In Neurological Disorders

Stem Cell Biology As Century Of Biology For Drug Discovery In Neurological Disorders New revelations into the biology of stem cells have raised expectations for their use in the treatment of neurologic diseases. Formerly, stem cell transplantation was promulgated as tools of replacing cells in central nervous system indicating that transplanted stem cells may decrease deleterious inflammation as well and improve endogenous recovery processes.

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Brain stroke and the role of stem cells in treating it

In the United States alone, some 800,000 people suffer from a brain stroke each year and close to 7 million are chronic stroke patients. With a population of 1.5 billion the burden of stroke on Indian society is considered to be significant. Increasing incidences of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension are also triggers for stroke in men and women.

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Gene therapy has allowed for autologous HSC transplant in PID

The human body, having deployed its white blood cells (WBCs) to the battleground, is in a state of perpetual war against microbes, foreign substances and potentially neoplastic cells. A subset of WBCs survey the the entire body through tunnels called blood vessels or guard specific tissues and provide constant reassurance of safety. Together, they form one of the strongest components of the immune system and are well equipped to handle pathogens that may have breached the primary barriers of defence, such as skin. A defect in the development of these cells would leave the body unprotected and susceptible to various infections.

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Patient derived Stem cell based xenograft models in drug discovery

The success of targeted therapies for a number of diseases including cancer rests on three major components: the right target(s), the right drug and drug combination, and the right patient population. Although much progress has been made in understanding the mechanism of disease and in re?ning pharmaceutical properties of therapeutic agents, the attrition rates between target discovery and drug marketing approval have been high, especially in Oncology.

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Advantages of patient derived stem cells

Stem cells are the body’s cardinal cells. They are responsible for our natural ability to repair common injury. They have intrinsic capabilities of both replicating themselves as well as differentiating into other types of cells. Despite not being identical, stem cells have widely differing abilities.

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Teeth Stem Cells Stimulate Growth and Formation of Brain Cells

Right kind of information dissemination and meta-analysis of the clinical data published in the public domain play significant role in bridging the gaps to discover the unknown. Our newsletter will keep the users of banking facilities with the late stdevelopments . Transcomm will forward the developments and innovations to reflect translations focused on applications to

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Do you know how your heart beat is changing with your lifestyle? Then read this

It seems that heart pumps 2,000 gallons of blood flowing through the 60,000 miles of blood vessels that feed our organs and tissues. Any damage to the heart or its valves can reduce that pumping action, forcing the heart to work harder just to keep up with the body's demand for blood. Poets say "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart". Clinicians and Scientists advice to change the brand of cooking oil periodically or stick to the use of olive oil alone to keep a healthy heart.

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