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Tips to Mother

WeekWise Baby's Growth

Baby’s Growth

By week 5, you must have missed your period

Mother’s Health

During this period, you may experience mild physical discomfort

Pregnancy Symptoms

The symptoms may include slight nausea, fatigue, tender breasts

Tips to Tackle

Frequent Urination: Do not cut back on your water uptake...

  • Frequent Urination: Do not cut back on your water uptake; instead avoid diuretics such as caffeine to keep a check.
  • The trick to control nausea is simple - Do not skip meals even if it makes you feel sick.
  • To control excessive saliva, you can try sugarless chewing gum which can keep your mouth a little dryer.
  • The best tip for food craving is to listen to your body and eat healthy food. Did you know dark chocolates are healthy?
  • Take enough rest and eat right to beat fatigue

Baby’s Growth

In the 6th week, the baby slowly develops lungs, liver, kidneys and heart beat. The face of the baby takes form with jaws, cheeks and chin. This week, your baby’s heart develops into a complex four chambered pumping organ and starts to beat at 160 beats per minute. The baby is covered by a thin see-through skin all over the body.

Mother’s Health

Although there is no change in the external appearance, the body undergoes various changes as hormones prepare your body for pregnancy. The pregnancy hormone hCG increases the blood flow to the pelvic region causing increased sexual pleasure. Your kidneys become more efficient in pushing the body waste out of the system. The growing uterus begins to push down the urinary bladder causing frequent urination in the first trimester.

Pregnancy Symptoms

This week, you may have to make frequent visits to the bathroom and experience nausea, vomiting and exhaustion which are normal. Along with these symptoms, you may also feel heart burn, ingestion, bloating and gas. In spite of all these pregnancy symptoms, you still have a reason to cheer: your little sweet pea’s heart starts to beat.

Tips to Tackle

Pregnancy is a unique experience and varies from woman to woman. Here are some simple tips to tackle the discomforts during pregnancy

  • Visit your physician and get information about the routine health exams, diet and clarify your doubts about pregnancy.
  • Lean forward when you urinate to empty your bladder completely. This will minimize your bathroom visits. Do not cut your water intake as you might get dehydrated.
  • Take a walk every 2 hours or mild yoga as instructed by your physician to ease your body tiredness. You can also receive our free yoga DVD from transcell website.
  • It is important to eat fiber rich food and drink plenty of water to avoid constipation which will help to combat bloating and gas in the body.

You might often experience heartburn and ingestion in the next few months. Try not to rush through your meals and avoid wearing tight clothes that will constrict your stomach.

Baby’s Growth

This week, your baby is in the process of becoming a little genius with the brain developing at a speed of 100 brain cells per minute. Your baby measures about 1- 1.25 cm in size and slowly develops heart, arm & leg buds. The facial structure forms tiny spots which will develop into eyes, nostrils, mouth and early teeth buds. Your baby’s permanent set of kidneys start to develop this week.

Mother’s Health

Here comes the relief! There are no additional pregnancy symptoms on the 7th week of pregnancy except for the already existing ones. However, your body might undergo some physical changes such as gaining few extra pounds and swollen breasts. Blame your hormones but they are preparing your body for the process of breast feeding in about 33 weeks from now.

Pregnancy Symptoms

The pregnancy symptoms include frequent urination, vomiting, fatigue, breast tenderness, heart burn, indigestion, excessive saliva secretion, food aversions due to nausea. Most pregnant women have these symptoms till week 13 but few expectant mothers may not experience morning sickness at all. Thus, pregnancy symptoms vary from one pregnant woman to another. If you feel any irritation or pain, consult your gynecologist for better understanding.

Pregnancy Tips

  • Gaining a few pounds during pregnancy is quite normal. Try loose and easy to wear clothes as your tummy will grow bigger in the coming months.
  • You can also sign up for prenatal care sessions conducted by doctors and trained professionals to ease your pregnancy and childbirth fears.
  • Food aversion might take a toll on your body and causes exhaustion and nausea. Stay on a well balanced diet and avoid food from outside.

Baby’s Growth

The baby is growing fast with the formation of tiny eyelids, button nose, fingers and toes. This week, your baby’s embryonic tail disappears and the development leads to fetus form. Now your little buddy takes a human-like form and getting ready to charm you in approximately 32 weeks. All the organs, nerves & muscles begin to function; eyelids develop to cover the eyes and the webbed appearance of the feet slowly changes. Your little one develops taste buds this week.

Baby's Weight

This week, the ideal weight of the baby is approximately 1.1 grams (0.04 oz).

Mother’s Health

Although there is no visible bump, your uterus has increased twice its original size and presses down the urinary bladder to cause frequent urination. By now, your breasts may have increased in size and require a bigger bras to provide support. Morning sickness and fatigue might exhaust you so listen to your body and get enough rest to revive your body and mind.

Pregnancy Symptoms

This week, most pregnant women experience strong morning sickness, a condition that prevails all day and night. The symptoms include nausea, vomiting, headache and fatigue which are more common in the eighth week. According to some scientists, morning sickness is a sign of baby’s good health and usually disappears at the end of first trimester (Week 13). Some women also experience increased vaginal discharge, heightened sense of smell, bloating, heartburn, indigestion and constipation.

Pregnancy Tips

  • Add more fiber rich food to your diet to fight constipation. Consumption of fruits fights both morning sickness and constipation as it improves digestion.
  • Try to eat often but little at a time. This will keep your food craving, nausea and vomiting under control.

If you experience severe morning sickness, it is necessary to consult your gynecologist.

Baby’s Growth

This week, your baby has been promoted from embryo stage to fetus stage. The head becomes erect and develops with prominent ears along with the formation of spleen and gall bladder. The baby has started making early movements which is not detected externally. You can hear the heart beat of the baby through ultra sound. In some cases, you may hear the baby’s heart beat even after 11 weeks which is quite normal.

Baby's Weight

This week, the ideal weight of the baby is approximately 2 grams (0.07 ounces).

Mother’s Health

This week, you might find your breasts and waist increase in size leaving you uncomfortable wearing tight clothes. The increased blood flow may cause the veins to bulge and you may also encounter extreme tiredness. This week, do not forget to fix your appointment for antenatal screening tests.

Pregnancy Symptoms

You might experience the same symptoms from last week that includes morning sickness, breast soreness, heartburn, bloating and gas, weight gain etc. If you experience tiredness throughout the day and feel like sleeping all the time, then you might be undergoing extreme pregnancy fatigue. As pregnancy is hard work, it requires more energy and subsequently more rest. Listen to your body’s need and try to devote enough time to snooze.

Pregnancy Tips

  • One way to tackle morning sickness is to break your diet into 5-6 mini meals throughout the day.
  • If there is a family history of genetic conditions, this is the right time to consult your physician about the possible genetic tests.
  • It is also advisable to sleep on the left side which keeps the uterus from pressing the major blood vessels thereby improving the blood flow to the baby. However, consult your physician on the same.
  • Eat calcium rich foods which are much needed for the baby and the mother.

Baby’s Growth

In the 10th week, the facial features of the baby are recognizable and the teeth buds are forming under the gums. Various organs such as the heart, stomach and kidneys are functional in the soon-to-be baby. Your little champ is getting stronger every day with the development of bones and cartilages apart from the formation of ankles and knees.

Baby's Weight

The ideal weight of baby this week is approximately 4 grams (0.14 ounces)

Mother’s Health

Due to pregnancy, your body produces increased amount of progesterone and hCG which stimulates the oil glands and make your skin supple and smoother. This in turns gives the pregnancy glow. Now, your uterus has become the size of a grapefruit. In some expectant mothers, the pregnancy hormones causes anxiety and stress which results in pregnancy fear. Calm your mind and activate your tired muscles by following a fitness regime like prenatal yoga.

Pregnancy Symptoms

At week 10, some pregnant women may experience occasional headache and dizziness as additional symptoms. The fatigue, hunger, stress and nausea are the underlying reasons for headaches and dizziness which will eventually reduce after the first trimester. The other existing symptoms include breast tenderness, bloating, gas, constipation, food cravings, heartburn, food aversions, morning sickness etc. Some pregnant women may have food aversions due to severe morning sickness and some may have food craving as a first trimester pregnancy symptom.

Pregnancy Tips

  • As the baby’s teeth buds are forming under the gums, it is essential to concentrate on the intake of Vitamin D.
  • Make sure you add whole grains, vegetables and fruits along with plenty of water to your diet to handle constipation.
  • Consult your physician if your headache is severe. Do not try to medicate on your own.
  • Try to include your spouse in the routine clinical checkups and ultrasound. This will increase the bond between you and your spouse. The process of pregnancy can be exciting and stress free if your spouse is involved.

Baby’s Growth

At week 11, your baby’s head is equal in length to the rest of the body. Slightly, over 2 inches, your baby’s the size of a lime and develops more like a human being with a see-through skin. Hair follicles have formed and the ears are nearing the final stage of development. In this week, your baby will have fingers and toes fully separated along with the initial formation of finger nails and toe nails. Your sweet pea will start to grow bigger in size and begin movements like kicking and stretching from this week.

Baby's Weight

The ideal weight of baby at week 11 is approximately 7 grams (0.25 ounces)

Mother’s Health

From this week, your belly will start to protrude slowly but if your abdomen looks flat, worry not; every woman’s body reacts differently to pregnancy symptoms and it might take a few more weeks to show up. A dark vertical line called Linea nigra may appear on the abdomen of pregnant women which is quite normal.

Pregnancy Symptoms

Here comes the good news: In the 11th week of pregnancy, the symptoms of morning sickness may slowly subside in pregnant women which will make you a bit hungry. This means, your appetite is gearing up to nourish the fetus. You may still experience nausea, excessive saliva, bloating, gas, dizziness, frequent urination, heartburn etc.

Pregnancy Tips

  • Now that your appetite is back to normal, minimize junk intake and include more nutritious food in your diet.
  • It is advisable to have protein and carbohydrate rich diet; you can munch on those crackers and cheese, nuts and dry fruits with no worry.
  • Once-a-week yoga session is recommended for pregnant women as yoga relieves the body and mind from fatigue, stress, anxiety and depression.
  • Fix an appointment with your dentist to consult good oral hygiene during pregnancy.

Baby’s Growth

This week, the baby has achieved a milestone of moving from the formation phase to maintenance phase. All the vital organs and body systems were formed which will mature in the next 28 weeks. The basic brain structure is complete with the beginning of pituitary gland and the bone marrow has started producing white blood cells. The baby’s eyes have moved to their final position and they will remain fused till week 27.

At present, the baby’s skeleton is made up of cartilage but it will soon harden up and become bones. By end of this week, the kidneys will begin to excrete urine into the urinary bladder.

Baby's Weight

The ideal weight of baby by the end of week 12 is approximately 14 grams (0.49 ounces)

Mother’s Health

The surging pregnancy hormones can make you emotional throughout pregnancy. You can also try buying maternity clothes to fit your growing body. You may have a strong sense of smell and your morning cup of coffee might make you nauseated. It is a good practice to avoid caffeinated drinks when you are pregnant.

Pregnancy Symptoms

At the cusp of your second trimester, most of the irritating symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, frequent urination etc., would be gone or diminished. You may experience a new discomfort, dizziness and progesterone is the one to blame. When progesterone takes increased blood flow to the fetus, the return flow is slowed down which causes lowered blood pressure. This in turn causes dizziness. Apart from these, some pregnant women in their 12th week may experience dark brown patches on their face.

Pregnancy Tips

  • The increased sense of smell during the first trimester may irk you. Open the windows for proper ventilation or keep a lemon piece nearby and sniff whenever you feel nauseated.
  • During your regular checkup, ask the gynecologist to check for the baby’s heart beat through ultra sound procedure.
  • Take naps and regular breaks during the day to beat fatigue.
  • Do not miss your folic acid, iron and vitamin supplements as it contributes to your baby’s normal development.
  • Do not consume over the counter medications even for headache. Consult your physician and take only prescribed medicines.

Baby’s Growth

At this time of pregnancy, your little junior is the size of an egg. Unique finger prints are formed in your baby’s palms and actively learning to kick, swallow, yawn and turning the head. The eyelids are still fused and the vocal cords develop. The big sized head takes up a proportional size to balance the body and now it measures one-third of the total size. In the skeletal structure, the femur and clavicle bones develop first while the organs like stomach and intestines takes shape from this week.

Baby's Weight

At the completion of first trimester, the ideal weight of the baby is approximately 23 grams (0.89 ounces)

Mother’s Health

By this week, the placenta takes over the production of hormones related to pregnancy which will give some relief from nausea. You may see some visible veins running across your body, mainly in the abdomen and breast regions. As the growing baby requires more nutrients, there is an increased supply of blood through the blood vessels which results in visible veins. However, they will not be visible after child birth.

Pregnancy Symptoms

The end of first trimester is such a relief for pregnant women as most of the symptoms would have gone by now. Although, some expectant mothers may still have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, bloating and gas, as the body respond differently to each pregnant woman. You might have sensed an increased vaginal discharge this week which has nothing to worry. The vaginal discharge protects the birth canal and vagina from infection. Sex drive is also a part of pregnancy symptoms; most women experience increased sexual drive while others may have less interest as every pregnancy is a unique experience.

Pregnancy Tips

  • Apple with skin has constipation quelling fiber so it is important to eat apple without peeling the skin to handle constipation issues.
  • If you still suffer with heart burn and indigestion, keep yourself away from spicy food items, chocolates, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, mint and fatty foods.
  • Visible veins may look cumbersome for a while but will disappear after child birth, so do not worry about them. Try mild lotions as advised by your gynecologist, if required.
  • This is the best time to let your family, friends and employer know that you are pregnant and plan for maternity leave in advance.

Baby’s Growth

Now, your little champ is about three and a half inches long and his body is growing faster than the head. He can respond to external stimuli although you may not be able to sense it. For instance, if your abdomen is poked, the baby wiggles. The eyes and ears will shift to correct positions and the baby can make facial expressions such as smile, frown, squint etc. This week, your baby’s thin skin will be covered by ultra fine soft hair called lanugo which will disappear before birth.

Baby's Weight

The ideal weight of the baby is estimated to be approximately 43 grams (1.52 ounces)

Mother’s Health

It’s time you can start wearing your pregnancy clothes as the waist line tend to expand and you may gain more weight. Your body might experience more energy so it is time to get involved in any prenatal workout routine like yoga, cardio, walking or aerobics. Your uterus is slightly raised out of the pelvic bone and in to the lower abdomen showing a little bump.

Pregnancy Symptoms

Morning sickness has no more effect on your body in the second trimester so you may feel hungrier with your appetite back on track. If you have extreme mood swings, just relax and blame the hormones. There might be a drop in your immune level and your body may become susceptible to infection. The usual pregnancy symptoms include constipation, bloating, gas, stuffy nose and visible veins..

Pregnancy Tips

  • Stay healthy to defend your body from infectious diseases like cold, flu and other microbes. Follow basic hygiene like washing hands, using a separate towel etc.
  • Be aware of what you are eating and how much. Try to avoid junk foods and eat healthy at regular intervals for better digestion.
  • Most women become active with a burst of energy in the second trimester, so use it wisely. Involve in yoga or walking routines which will also keep a check on your weight gain.
  • Do not worry about baggy pregnancy clothes. There are many custom-made stretchable pregnancy clothes designed in contemporary fashion that are available in exclusive stores.

Baby’s Growth

The end of 4th month marks the beginning of your emotional connection with the baby. The ear bones grow harder and help the baby to hear properly which includes your voice, heartbeat, breath etc. This way, your baby can hear you and feel your presence. The fine thin hair, Lanugo protects the baby and provides warmth till the subcutaneous fat layer forms under the skin. As your little charmer starts growing, he/she constantly kicks and curls with the little legs and arms but you can’t sense it yet, as the baby is still small, at the size of an orange.

Baby's Weight

By this week, the baby’s ideal weight will be approximately 70 grams (2.47 ounces).

Mother’s Health

By now, you may start to show up with your tummy growing bigger. Second trimester is the weight gain period of pregnancy, so try to gain weight in a slow and steady fashion. Consult your physician and aim for a healthy weight gain on a weekly basis. Consuming nutrient rich diet and keeping track of your weight can help you avoid gestational diabetes.

Pregnancy Symptoms

You may feel back ache and swollen legs as a part of your pregnancy progression. Some expectant mothers might face swollen gums which are sore and prone to bleeding along with stuffy nose. Pregnancy brain or forgetfulness is another fuzzy symptom that accompanies you throughout pregnancy. These symptoms are harmless and disappear after child birth.

Pregnancy Tips

  • Try playing soothing music and occasionally talk to your baby, as it may create a bond between the mother and the baby.
  • You may want to take up a dental appointment for those swollen gums. Floss regularly, brush twice and follow good oral hygiene.
  • To avoid forgetfulness, opt for meditation, music or a calm walk to relax your mind and remember things better. Making notes of all the important activities is another way to improve your memory.
  • Try loose footwear like flip flops, sandals etc., to soothe the swollen legs.

Baby’s Growth

This week your baby is the size of an avocado and the head is more erect than previous weeks. At the end of 4th month, the baby shows rapid eyesight development along with facial muscles which will help to detect external light source. Your junior’s circulating system and urinary system are fully functional. He’s inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid through his lungs. The backbone and tiny muscles are getting stronger every day.

Baby's Weight

The ideal weight of the baby is estimated to be 100 grams (3.53 ounces)

Mother’s Health

You may feel pain on the sides if you try to move suddenly; this is due to fact that the ligaments of the sides of the uterus and pelvic walls are stretching as the baby grows bigger. If the pain becomes worse, consult your gynecologist. You may begin to put on some few extra pounds as the pregnancy progresses while some may lose weight; both are part of normal pregnancy routine. Embrace your weight gain and keep up with regular exercise and diet for a healthy child birth.

Pregnancy Symptoms

Even at week 16, the expectant mothers may experience constipation, increased vaginal discharge, increased breast size and dental problems such as gingivitis. You may also have back pain, leg cramps and varicose vein which are common pregnancy symptoms of second trimester.

Pregnancy Tips

  • Shop for exclusive clothes that will complement your pregnancy weight gain as well as make you feel comfortable.
  • You can burst your stress by involving yourself into fun activities like taking photos of your tummy every week to track the growth difference. This is fun and also serves as a good memory of your pregnancy.
  • If the veins in your legs bulge, try to elevate your feet on a foot rest and try some exercise to improve blood flow.
  • You can ask the gynecologist about your weight gain/loss along with other pregnancy related queries during your next consultation.

Baby’s Growth

Your baby has become unique with the formation of fingerprints in his/her tiny fingers. Adipose tissue that contributes to the body fat develops this week which will regulate the baby’s temperature. Now your baby can yawn, stretch, make facial expressions and listen to loud noises which may even startle your little sweet pea.

Baby's Weight

This week, the ideal weight of the baby can be approximately 140 grams (close to 5 ounces).

Mother’s Health

Sailing through the fifth month can be quite smooth as the week 17 symptoms are less upsetting. This week, your pregnant belly grows and pushes the intestine and other internal organs up and outwards to provide space for the uterus and the baby. You may feel a bit more energetic in the second trimester and experience an increased appetite.

Pregnancy Symptoms

You may feel hot even if the room temperature is normal due to the extra blood supply in the body. At this stage, you may experience increased appetite which is a healthy sign that your baby needs nutrition. Some women may develop snoring habit as a symptom of second trimester or have brittle and weak nails. You may also tend to feel dizzy and lightheaded so take extra care during fitness sessions. Some women experience sciatic nerve pain in the legs, increased vaginal discharge, nasal congestion and sweating.

Pregnancy Tips

  • You can use nasal strips or elevated pillows to avoid snoring and if they don’t help, just let it go; after all it is a pregnancy symptom. If your husband feels uncomfortable, give him a couple of ear buds.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits along with high fiber grains, nuts and milk. This will satisfy your increased appetite and keep a check on your weight gain.
  • Do not lie down immediately after eating as it will aggravate your heartburn and gas.
  • While getting up from bed, do not stand up too quickly. Try to get up gradually as it will balance your body from fainting.

Baby’s Growth

This week, your baby is the size of bell pepper (capsicum); big enough for you to feel his/her movements. The brain and nervous system are rapidly maturing in the baby along with good sensory development. The protective covering of nerves, myelin is forming this week to help in the development and proper functioning of the nervous system after birth. The fetal movements of the baby can be traced by ultrasound scan, so this time you can see your little one yawning, frowning or rolling. Your baby’s genitals will be formed by this week and if it is a girl, then the eggs will already be developing inside her body.

Baby's Weight

The ideal weight of the baby at the beginning of 5th month is approximately 190 grams (6.70 ounces)

Mother’s Health

This week, you can feel your little sweet pea moving inside your tummy.

You can sense your baby rolling, kicking, twisting etc., as slight flutters and finally you can feel that your pregnancy is real. As the baby’s first movements are usually felt between week 18 and week 22, some women may not have experienced it yet, so do not panic; wait for a week or two and then consult your gynecologist. You might not have a continuous good night rest due to uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms; relax your body through prenatal massages, yoga or aerobics during day time to sleep properly in the night.

Pregnancy Symptoms

You may still experience back pain, heart burn, leg cramps, Edema (swelling in the legs and ankles), bleeding gums and stretch marks. You may also feel other pregnancy symptoms like dizzy head, bloating and gas during week 18.

Pregnancy Tips

  • This time, take your husband along with you for the ultra sound scan so that he can see and connect with the baby emotionally.
  • To avoid edema and backaches, try to relax in a straight posture at regular intervals. Keep your feet on an elevated foot rest to avoid further aches.
  • Perform some simple calf stretches before going to bed to tolerate the leg cramps during the second trimester.
  • Walk regularly or involve yourself in routine fitness activity to avoid body pain and leg cramps.

Baby’s Growth

At week 19, your baby is the size of a mango. The baby is maturing fast with the arms and legs in right proportion. Your tiny pod has better limb coordination with the brain and the kidneys are also developing. The skin loses its translucency and starts to develop pigments which will determine the baby’s skin tone. Your baby’s skin is covered by the formation of Vernix Caseosa, a thin greasy protective layer that safeguards the baby from amniotic fluid. Hair starts to develop on the baby’s scalp at this stage. However, the level of hair in the newborns varies based on hereditary and individual development.

Baby's Weight

This week, the baby’s ideal weight is approximately 240 grams (8.47 ounces).

Mother’s Health

Some expectant mothers might feel the baby’s movement for the first time during the 19th week. If you were pregnant before, you may feel the movements earlier in this pregnancy. The top of the uterus reaches the belly button this week and continue to grow about one centimeter every week. As your belly starts to grow, it is best to sleep on the side as the uterus presses the blood vessels and causes dizziness.

Pregnancy Symptoms

You may feel cramps on your leg all night during the second and third trimester; however, you may also experience the cramps during day. It is natural for pregnant women to experience dizziness, heart burn, breathlessness and increased appetite. At this period, you are prone to infection so be careful to avoid any urinary tract infection.

Pregnancy Tips

  • Avoid spicy & oily food and try bland as well as nutritious food diet to minimize heart burn and indigestion.
  • Drink plenty of water, urinate frequently to empty your bladder and follow basic hygiene to stay away from urinary tract infections.
  • Do not lift heavy materials and avoid improper sleep positions to control your backache.
  • There is no remedy for stretch marks at this point but you can soothe your dry skin by applying moisturizing creams.

Baby’s Growth

The baby weighs around one pound and measures about 16.5 cms from crown to rump. You can experience a lot of baby movements which are mild and do not cause discomforts. The baby can hear pretty well as both the external and internal ears will be completely functional. Your baby is swallowing amniotic fluid which is a practice for her digestive system. The water in the amniotic fluid will be absorbed by the body while the rest moves to the bowel system. From this week, your baby will grow bigger and stronger.

Baby's Weight

The ideal weight of the baby at week 20 is approximately 300 grams (10.58 ounces)

Mother’s Health

You have crossed half way and it is only 20 more weeks to see your charming prince/princess. You may feel your nails and hair to be growing stronger, thanks to those pregnancy hormones. This week, your belly button may protrude outside as the uterus pushes the abdomen. The growing belly may interfere with your sleeping positions and cause disturbed sleep. Make sure, you get iron rich food as the baby needs to prepare red blood cells.

Pregnancy Symptoms

Many pregnant women may still experience backache, increased appetite, nausea, heart burn, headaches, edema etc. Pregnancy symptoms like occasional headaches, dizziness and vaginal discharge are also experienced by some expectant mothers.

Pregnancy Tips

  • As the baby can hear your voice, you can sing or read out loud which will help your young one recognize your voice and build a bond after child birth.
  • There are various antenatal care classes available for the expectant mother and father to prepare for delivery and child care. It’s time to explore those options and join.
  • You can try warm showers, mild body massage, yoga, heat packs etc to relieve from back pain and body aches.
  • Avoid high heels and try flat sandals or shoes which will keep you comfortable all day and soothe your feet from Edema.

Baby’s Growth

This week, the baby is about the size of a banana, measuring around 7 inches. Although your little peanut is getting taller, there is still enough space to roll, twist and move in the womb. The digestive system, spleen and intestines are maturing fast for digestion. Baby’s taste buds can sense different tastes depending on the mother’s food intake. Those tiny eyelids and eyebrows were formed and it is possible for the baby to blink.

Baby's Weight

By this week, the ideal weight of the baby is approximately 360 grams (12.7 ounces).

Mother’s Health

Stretch marks, the proud badge of pregnancy appears on the belly, hips, thigh and breasts in most pregnant women. You may find it difficult to sleep on your tummy and experience disturbed sleep; think of it as the nature’s way of preparing you to take care of the baby after birth. Do not stress over your body image; you are nurturing a life inside and that makes you automatically beautiful.

Pregnancy Symptoms

Apart from the other symptoms from last few weeks, you may feel pregnancy craving for strange foods. You may also experience symptoms like backache, leg cramp, bleeding gums, fast growing nails etc.

Pregnancy Tips

  • Stretch marks- you cannot prevent it, so you as might well embrace it. However, there are ways to make these marks fade away, post pregnancy.
  • The fast growing nails are a bit of a problem. Try simple manicure at home without giving much pressure. It might also help to lighten up your mood.
  • Keep your windows and doors open for natural ventilation and adjust your AC for a suitable temperature while sleeping. Try natural food that cools your body.
  • Give a green pass for healthy food cravings and restrict the strange ones. Try to drink plenty of water, eat healthy fruits, nuts and dark chocolates (occasionally) to keep your cravings at bay.

Baby’s Growth

This week, your little junior measures 27cms from head to toe and looks like the size of a fig. Your baby’s senses mature fast with the development of sight, sound, touch etc. The baby begins to touch his/her face and neck, suck thumb, hold the umbilical cord and practice grasp reflexes. The little muscles of your champ are finely formed along with the development of reproductive organs. Other organs of the body are also developing at a fast pace due to the action of essential hormones. The placenta continues to grow throughout the three trimesters of pregnancy to provide nourishment for the baby.

Baby's Weight

The ideal weight of the baby is estimated to be 430 grams (15.17 ounces).

Mother’s Health

This week, your waistline may expand in size with gradual weight gain and you will look more pregnant that being fat. This week, you may be able to sense your baby’s movements; your little champ may respond to your voice and other loud external noises pretty well. For some expectant mothers, it may take a while to feel the movements; remember that every pregnancy is unique and the experiences vary for every mother.

Pregnancy Symptoms

It is not just your tummy that is growing; you will also be experiencing swollen legs. You may still have pregnancy symptoms like constipation, heart burn, indigestion, vaginal discharge, leg cramps, stretch marks etc. Involve in physical fitness activities which can keep your muscles strong and prepare you for labour.

Pregnancy Tips

  • If your gynecologist prescribed prenatal vitamins, do not miss them as they provide the required vitamins and nutrients for the baby’s normal growth and development.
  • You can include calcium and potassium rich foods like bananas, oranges etc., to fight leg cramps.
  • If your belly is dry and itchy due to stretch marks, start rubbing mild moisturizer everyday and keep the skin hydrated.
  • Try panty liners if the vaginal discharge is heavy which will avoid unpleasant odour.
  • Avoid harsh and complex workouts like jogging or running, instead try walking, yoga, stretches or swimming.

Baby’s Growth

In the next few weeks, the baby will grow and gain weight, almost double of his/her body weight. Do not worry as the fat will deposit all over, to fit the normal body frame. The baby’s face is fully formed and the fat will get deposited under the skin in the coming weeks. Aren’t you excited to see those chubby cheeks and dimple chin? From this week, you can also hear the heart beat of your sweetie pie with a stethoscope.

Baby's Weight

The ideal weight of the baby is approximately 500 grams (1.10 pound)

Mother’s Health

Along with the baby, you will also gain weight for good. As the belly enlarges, your centre of gravity shifts and may leave you feel clumsy. As pregnancy progresses, your belly button may stick out which will revert to the former state after child birth.

Pregnancy Symptoms

This week, there are some little challenges coming your way in the form of pregnancy symptoms: fuzzy brain, swollen feet, leg cramps, hyperpigmentation on the face (disappears post pregnancy), insomnia, aches and tingling feel on the hands. It is not a rule that all pregnant women experience the above symptoms; as pregnancy is a unique experience, it differs for every woman.

Pregnancy Tips

  • Try meditation or read for pleasure to burst the stress bubble during pregnancy.
  • Skin creams do not work on hyperpigmentation, so use a concealer to cover up the discolouration on the face.
  • If you work with computers for a long time, keep your wrist straight and make sure elbow is not higher than your hands to cope with aches and tingling that are associated with carpel tunnel syndrome.
  • You can also plan maternity leave and talk to your employer well in advance to avoid last minute problems.

Baby’s Growth

This week, your baby’s WBCs develop to fight off the infections after childbirth. The baby also shows good brain activities such as thought, conscious and memory equal to that of a newborn. The baby’s weight increases, contributing to the development of growing organs, muscles, bones and body fat. Your little sweet pea’s translucent skin is becoming more opaque and gets a pink glow due to the small capillaries that were formed this week.

Baby's Weight

This week, the ideal weight of the baby is approximately 600 grams (1.32 pounds).

Mother’s Health

If your belly button is still inside, this week you may expect it to protrude out which is normal in pregnant women. Your spouse can hear the baby’s heart beat by placing his ears on your abdomen. As the belly grows your centre of gravity shifts, so it is important to take care while you get up from the bed and walk. Avoid sudden movements; instead slowly get up and stand.

Pregnancy Symptoms

This week, you may experience symptoms such as stretch marks, excess saliva, occasional headaches, constipation, back pain, increased appetite, swelling in the legs, feet and hands etc. You will gain more weight as a part of pregnancy progression, so relax and take a bite on some healthy snacks.

Pregnancy Tips

  • If you feel your eyes dried up, do not wear contact lens as it will irritate your eyes. You can opt for glasses instead.
  • If your ankle is swelling and you can’t wear your favourite shoes to work, try keeping a foot rest under the desk to elevate your legs. Do not stand for long hours; take short intervals to sit and relax your legs.
  • If your headache becomes severe and persist for more than 3 days with nausea or difficulties in vision, it could be migraine. Consult your physician and get the right treatment.
  • Have two prunes or any fiber rich fruit like oranges or pears everyday to avoid constipation.

Baby’s Growth

This week, your baby is so busy, preparing the organs required for breathing. This 9 inch cutie has small blood vessels formed in the lungs and all over the body; all these contributes to the breathing process. The lungs require maturity which will develop in the coming months. By this week, your sweetie pie has developed a sleep-play routine; playing for a while by performing somersaults and wriggling followed by a nap to recover.

Baby's Weight

The ideal weight of the baby is estimated to be approximately 660 grams (1.46 pounds).

Mother’s Health

You are entering the 7th month of pregnancy where you might be busy with the baby shower dates and invites. This week, the tummy might look more like a foot ball for most women and it will grow little more in the coming months.

Pregnancy Symptoms

Expectant mothers may experience haemorrhoids, a form of varicose vein that can be painful and may cause bleeding. This symptom is caused by various pregnancy symptoms such as constipation, pressure exerted by uterus, increased blood flow and heart burn.

Pregnancy Tips

  • You need to increase your fiber intake and try to have plenty of fluids which will avoid constipation.
  • Perform pelvic floor exercise and do not strain during bowel movement which may help in controlling haemorrhoids.
  • Follow a healthy sleep posture of lying on the left side rather than flat on your back as your uterus may compress the blood vessels required for the baby’s nourishment.
  • Do not overload yourself with too many responsibilities because your fuzzy pregnancy brain needs some rest so as your body. If the work is overwhelming, take a break.

Baby’s Growth

This week, your baby is reaching a step closer to the real world. The baby’s eyes that remained closed all these months will open from 26th week of pregnancy. As the brain wave activity of the baby increases this week, your young one can respond to the external stimuli like noise and bright light through increased pulse rate or any other movement. From this week, your baby’s immune system begins to develop so that he/she can survive outside the womb after child birth.

Baby's Weight

The ideal weight of the baby is approximately 760 grams (1.68 pounds).

Mother’s Health

By now, you may feel your baby’s movements inside the tummy because your womb is getting a little crowded; not to worry, your baby still have enough space to move freely. If you have not felt strong kicks yet, wait for few more weeks. Every pregnancy is a unique experience so it is normal if you do not feel the kicks or movements yet. As the bump grows, you may feel hot and your skin may become dry & itchy.

Pregnancy Symptoms

The good news – this week, you don’t have any new symptom joining the long list of pregnancy discomforts. The existing symptoms include pregnancy brain, constipation, bloating and gas, migraines, blurred vision, increased vaginal discharge etc. Some pregnant women experience a drop in blood pressure while trying to get up suddenly from the bed. Always be careful and get up slowly to avoid dizziness.

Pregnancy Tips

  • Eat iron rich diet such as green leafy vegetables, egg, red meat, cereals etc. as most pregnant women are anaemic.
  • Keep your body cool, drink plenty of water and wear loose, cotton clothes in summer to keep a check on increased body heat.
  • It is important to check your weight often and if you are not in the recommended weight range, it is necessary to consult your gynecologist.
  • Pregnancy brain needs all the extra help to remember things. Try writing down or keep a reminder about any important appointment.
  • Read books related to child birth and parenting. Once you have the baby, you may not have time to read parenting books so use all the available time.

Baby’s Growth

This week, your baby grows tall and gain more weight as a part of its healthy development. At the end of Week 27, your little one is more likely to grow an entire inch long and measure around 14 inches. The light sensitive region of the eye, retina and the taste buds develop inside the baby. Now your baby knows how to suck his/her thumb and might have experienced hiccups already. Unlike us, the baby doesn’t make noise as he/she is breathing amniotic fluid instead of air but you can feel a little jump when he/she experience hiccups. The brain has fully developed and this week, the fine tuning happens at a fast pace.

Baby's Weight

The ideal weight of the baby is estimated to be approximately 875 grams (1.93 pounds).

Mother’s Health

Your body might undergo various changes like weight gain, enlarged belly and increased size of breasts. You may experience increased appetite as the body requires more energy to support the development of the baby. Practice breathing techniques and yoga poses to strengthen your muscles and prepare for the big day (delivery day).

Pregnancy Symptoms

Most pregnant women suffer from Edema (swollen ankles, feet and hands) which is caused by the fluid built up in the body and it will become normal after child birth. If the symptom worsens, consult your gynecologist. The other existing symptoms include dizziness, itchy belly, stretch marks, stuffy nose, bleeding gums etc.

Pregnancy Tips

  • If you are finding it hard to wear shoes, try sandals or shoes with loose buckles to adjust according to the size of the swollen legs.
  • Take an appointment with your dentist and follow regular oral hygiene to treat bleeding gums and avoid any further dental problems.
  • It is time to finalize the hospital for your delivery and work on your birth plan, if you intend to have one.
  • Little shopping, walking and grooming sessions for baby shower aren’t a problem but do not stress yourself.

Baby’s Growth

During the third trimester, most babies shift their body position with the head facing downwards, suitable for delivery. If your baby hasn’t changed the position yet, give it some time as the babies change their position around week 36. This week, your baby will start to blink, dream and prepare for life outside the womb. Your little junior’s heartbeat is so strong that your spouse can hear it if he places his ears near your bump.

Baby's Weight

The ideal weight of baby in the beginning of third trimester is approximately 1 kg (2.22 pounds)

Mother’s Health

You might find it difficult to bend down, squat or carry a toddler; do not overdo as it may affect the baby inside your womb. Thinking about your baby and childbirth leads to dreams about labour. It is normal to experience fear and worry about child birth; taking antenatal classes, prenatal yoga and meditation can help you ease the fear and prepare you physically and mentally for childbirth.

Pregnancy Symptoms

The third and last trimester of pregnancy brings new changes and may take away some of the symptoms from second trimester. At this week, you may see stretch marks on the enlarging abdomen and breasts secreting colostrum (an early form of breast milk). You may have pregnancy dreams and fuzzy brain as a part of pregnancy symptoms.

Pregnancy Tips

  • If your nose is stuffy, try using some nasal strips or regulate the air conditioner temperature in your room to get some relief.
  • Babies tend to absorb more iron during the third trimester so it is necessary to take iron rich foods such as spinach, tofu, chicken, beans, cereals etc.
  • By now, you would have checked your Rh typing, if not ask your gynecologist about Rh blood typing test. If the mother is Rh negative and the baby is positive, then anti-D injection is required to nullify the harmful effect.
  • Get bed rest, a warm bath or a hot water massage to cope with the backache and leg cramps.
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